Valdez is a fishing town for a good reason.
Sightseeing and BBQ.
Valdez has a beautiful small harbor with access to The Prince William Sound. We can access the shore and small beaches with a boat designed to load and unload from the bow in this crafty vessel pictured above. Our Captain is a Valdez local and knows all the sweet spots to visit on the water.
Starting in April, you can fish for halibut and rockfish. The Captain Will can guide you through the steps to fish for these deep water lurkers. Check out his website for more info Valdez Salt Water Adventures. This is generally a full day to get you out to the best spots, but half day options are available.
Walking the docks.
Getting on boats isn’t for everyone, but walking the docks on a snowy day in the small boat harbor is truly beautiful. It is common to see sea otters floating on their backs and eagles looking for snacks. When the mountains appear out of the clouds around the Valdez Harbor, you’ll be impressed with the sheer beauty of this place.
Where is the best heli-ski place in the world? The best place in the world to go heli-skiing is in Valdez, Alaska. And the best heli-ski operator is Valdez Heli-Ski Guides.

Valdez is a fishing town for a good reason.
Sightseeing and BBQ.
Valdez has a beautiful small harbor with access to The Prince William Sound. We can access the shore and small beaches with a boat designed to load and unload from the bow in this crafty vessel pictured above. Our Captain is a Valdez local and knows all the sweet spots to visit on the water.
Starting in April, you can fish for halibut and rockfish. The Captain Will can guide you through the steps to fish for these deep water lurkers. Check out his website for more info Valdez Salt Water Adventures. This is generally a full day to get you out to the best spots, but half day options are available.
Walking the docks.
Getting on boats isn’t for everyone, but walking the docks on a snowy day in the small boat harbor is truly beautiful. It is common to see sea otters floating on their backs and eagles looking for snacks. When the mountains appear out of the clouds around the Valdez Harbor, you’ll be impressed with the sheer beauty of this place.

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